Monday, November 5, 2012

Long-distance relationships ? mysliceofamericanpie

Tim and I were only together for about 4 months in total when we met and fell in love in China.. After that we both entered into a long-distance relationship for over a year, him being in the US and me in Shanghai and in the Philippines. During the time we were apart, we tried to visit each other every couple of months.. He flew to China to propose, I flew to the US for his graduation, he flew back to China and the Philippines whenever he completed his army trainings. It was tough, but we made it work!! During that time, we worked on our K1 visa and my graduate school applications. He proposed March of 2010, and by February 2011 I was in the US. We got married in April, and the rest is chronicled in this blog. Lol. We?ve been lucky because I know we had it easier than other couples who went through/are going through a LDR.

Which brings me to my point.

I know there are many kinds of LDR.. There are the couples who live in the same country but are in different states/cities.. They may be in the same country but that doesn?t make things easier since this country is so big and people can still be long drives and plane rides apart.?Then there are the are people like me who went through international relationships, and other people who are in long-distance relationships because of jobs (e.g., military trainings and deployments, oil drillers, truckers etc..)?What connects us all is the fact that we are not with our significant others, and we miss them. We think of them each day, every day and instead of dates we go on Skype or Facetime.

I know that some people who have stumbled upon my blog or those who do read it are here because they can relate to me in one way or another. Maybe you are also going through/ went through the K1 process, or maybe you are a military wife too. Either way, I want to know your story! You are all probably well aware by now that Tim and I are currently back in a long-distance relationship because he is deployed.. and I am really struggling with it. But hearing other people?s struggles, successes and happy endings really inspire me and make me smile. So if you, my reader, have a story to tell please do so! It doesn?t matter if you are still going through it, or if you have already surpassed it. I would love to hear about your long-distance relationship, and how you are coping and the things you do/did to survive.?So please leave a comment and share your story, if you can.?It will really make me happy! Plus its a good way to meet the people who actually stumble upon my blog. :)

I look forward to your responses.. (And it doesn?t matter if you read this today or you stumble upon this post a year from now. :)



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