Sunday, September 30, 2012

Zuerlein's 4 FGs lead Rams?over Seahawks


AP Sports Writer

Associated Press Sports

updated 3:10 p.m. ET Sept. 30, 2012

ST. LOUIS (AP) - Greg Zuerlein kicked four field goals, including a 58-yarder and a club record 60-yarder, to help the St. Louis Rams to a 19-13 win over the Seattle Seahawks on Sunday.

Special teams led the way for the Rams (2-2), with a fake field goal turning into a 2-yard touchdown pass from punter Johnny Hekker to Danny Amendola to put St. Louis ahead 10-7 late in the first half.

The loss came six days after Seattle (2-2) beat Green Bay on a botched call by replacement officials on a final-play touchdown pass into the end zone. Regular officials were back this weekend.

Marshawn Lynch led Seattle with 118 yards on 20 carries, including an 18-yard score to cap the game's first possession.

The Rams intercepted Russell Wilson three times, with Bradley Fletcher clinching it with a pick at the Rams 25 with a minute to go.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Fan bites Danny Bonaduce at Wash. state casino

TACOMA, Wash. (AP) ? Former child TV star Danny Bonaduce says a crazed fan bit him during an event at a Washington state casino.

The former "Partridge Family" actor tells The News Tribune of Tacoma ( ) the woman asked him if she could kiss him and then sank her teeth into his cheek for about a minute until others pulled her off.

Bonaduce, who works these days as a radio DJ in Seattle, said the woman was taken into custody Friday, but he doesn't plan to press charges.

His face had a bright red mark a day later, when he said what he was thinking during the attack, "Bath salts," he said, referencing a designer drug linked to bizarre and violent behavior in users.

Bonaduce's wife, Amy, says her husband was treated with antibiotics.


Information from: The News Tribune,


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Understanding Online Business Success | Content for Reprint

Author: Mike Christie | Total views: 137 Comments: 0
Word Count: 653 Date:

Several years ago my wife and I decided to plant an above ground vegetable garden. The concept is relatively simple. You build a box to hold your soil and organic materials, and then plant your seeds. The benefit of an above ground garden is that you don't have to dig up your yard and deal with rocks, roots, and poor soil.

We were excited to get started and made a list of everything we needed. Once the box was constructed, we layered in the manure, organic materials, and top soil. Finally, we laid out our vegetable rows and planted the seeds, topped with a light layer of planting straw, and watered. Then we waited, and waited, and waited. Nothing happened. Every morning as soon as it was light, I would run out to the garden to see what was growing. Every morning it was the same story, nothing. I was discouraged.

Starting a business from home to earn income online is a lot like planting a vegetable garden from seeds. You work like crazy to get from the idea stage to implementation. You create your business plan, design a website, find someone to host your blog, build an auto responder, write and track your ads, create content, etc. You are ready and anxious to make sales, and nothing happens. It is like your seeds have been planted and you are waiting for the seeds to grow. But it is not happening fast enough.

Like nature, "growing" a successful online business from your home requires an understanding of cycles. The first cycle is "startup" which is defined by frenzied activity that is new and exciting because you are taking a bold step towards securing you financial independence. The second cycle is the "planting" of your business where you are initiating the promotional campaign necessary to generate a list of prospects that can be converted to loyal customers. The third cycle is the "harvest" where you experience actual sales revenue and profit from your efforts.

The timing of these cycles is what I believe discourages many who start their own home based businesses with the best of intentions. For me, the startup cycle was fun, energizing, and exciting. I love to learn new things and this phase was pure joy. Same with the planting cycle; nothing but positive energy and anticipation. In the first 6 months of my online business venture, I brought in a total of $20. All that time, effort, and money for twenty bucks?! This is where my vegetable garden experience helped.

From the time that we planted the seeds in our new vegetable garden, it took 6 weeks of daily watering and plucking weeds before we saw the earliest signs of seed germination. From that point, it was another 6 weeks of watering, weeding, and pest control before the garden actually started to take on the look of a garden that was going to produce results. Four months into it, we started taking out fresh organic vegetables and putting them on the dinner table. The harvets cycle was very satisfying, but it took alot of patience and confidence that with the right effort, the vegetables would grow.

Back to the business - Most people who have not had the vegetable garden experience would have given up after making only twenty bucks after six months. Not me. I knew that the seeds had been planted, and I was diligently watering and weeding daily in the form of email marketing and content distribution to build my subscriber list. True, six months may seem like a long time to not generate revenue from your efforts, but it really isn't if you consider that the business can support you for the rest of your life. The patience and persistence paid off when the money came flowing in, just like tomatoes ripening on the vine.

Michael Christie owns http://www.CashflowAnimal.comnwhere popular home business ideas and opportunities are testednrigorously to find out what works and what doesn't. Visitntoday for more info or check out our #1 work-at-home program at:n

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Egypt's president heads to Turkey to build emerging alliance of moderate Islamist governments

CAIRO - Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi travels to Turkey on Sunday to strengthen an emerging alliance between two moderate Islamist governments in a region beset by conflict and instability.

Even though Morsi has only been in power for a few months, there are already strong signs a partnership with Turkey is forming, evidenced by a common effort to end Syria's civil war by urging the exit of President Bashar Assad from power.

Earlier this month, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu visited the Egyptian capital Cairo and pledged $2 billion in aid to boost confidence in an economy badly battered by a tourism slump, strikes and ongoing protests since the fall of authoritarian leader Hosni Mubarak in an uprising last year.

During the 12-hour visit, Morsi will try to strengthen economic ties with Turkey ? a country his Muslim Brotherhood group views as an Islamist success story, mixing a strong economy with Western ties and Islamic piety.

Turkey, a NATO member with a mostly Muslim, but not Arab, population, has been touted as a democratic model for Egypt and other Arab countries swept up in popular revolts over the past two years.

After initially looking to the Turkish ruling party as a role model, the Islamic fundamentalist Brotherhood in Egypt has cooled to the idea because of Turkey's strong secular leanings. Morsi and the Brotherhood, on the contrary, have been criticized by their opponents for pushing a more conservative Islamist line, particularly in drafting the country's new constitution.

"Before the revolution, we saw (Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip) Erdogan's regime ... as a successful model that can be emulated," said Dina Zakaria, a member of the foreign relations committee of the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party. "But can it be with all its details and can it all suit Egyptian society? Of course not."

Turkish officials and media have voiced enthusiasm for the relationship with Cairo after the uprising. Turkish President Abdullah Gul was the first foreign leader to visit Egypt after Mubarak stepped down on Feb. 11, 2011, meeting with both the largely liberal and secular youth groups that spearheaded the pro-democracy revolt as well as with generals from the ruling military council who took over from Mubarak and then eventually transferred power to the democratically elected Morsi.

Erdogan got a warm welcome in Cairo last year, with crowds of Brotherhood supporters lining the airport road upon his arrival, some of them carrying banners reading: "Erdogan is a hero."

Erdogan has encouraged Egypt to mimic the Turkish model of governance.

But Zakaria said that after frequent visits to Turkey and meetings with different groups there, she is convinced Egyptian society would not accept Turkey's secular constitution.

Many in conservative Egypt equate the term secularism with "anti-Islam." As efforts to draft the country's constitution are marred by disputes over what many liberals perceive as overtly Islamist clauses in the charter, Zakaria ruled out drawing inspiration from the Turkish constitution.

"Their constitution won't work here in Egypt," she said. "There are things Egyptian people won't accept," she added, referring mainly to the separation of religion and he state.

One of the founding principles of Turkey's constitution is that it is a secular democracy, something that contradicts Egypt's old constitution, and is not even considered in the writing of the new charter. Debate remains in Egypt over whether to keep the current charter, which cites the principles of Islamic law as the basis of legislation, or to harden it to include a reference to specific Islamic laws which would guide all legislation.

But when it comes to foreign affairs and economics, there is much that Egypt can gain from Turkey's experience, Zakaria said.

Certainly on the international stage, Cairo and Ankara have much in common. Both want Assad of Syria to quit and Iran, his ally, to stay out of the civil war there. Ankara and Cairo have teamed as part of a regional initiative to try to solve the Syrian crisis, an effort that could form a strong foundation of future cooperation.

"Turkey couldn't do anything alone when it comes to Syria. One hand alone won't clap," Zakaria said. "What is clear now is that the two countries need to have strong relations because we have serious regional problems and we need each other."

Mustafa Ellabbad, an Egyptian expert on Turkish relations, said Turkey wants an Arab partner in its bid for regional influence in the Middle East and its affiliation with the Brotherhood would serve as a foundation for a moderate Islamist alliance. The Brotherhood, in return, looks to Turkey for assistance as a bridge to the West. But for some of Egypt's more radical Islamists, "the Turkish model doesn't even deserve to be labeled Islamic," Ellabbad said.

But Morsi could turn to Turkey for help on other domestic issues, chief among them the economy. He has already visited Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, China, Iran, Italy and Belgium before his recent trip to New York, where he addressed the U.N. General Assembly. His frequent travels have raised criticism that he is paying more attention to foreign policy issues than domestic problems. However, the economic issues appear high on the agenda on most of his foreign trips.

"The economic portfolio is certainly one of the most important ones between Egypt and Turkey," Yasser Ali, the presidential spokesman, said Saturday.

Egypt's economy is faltering under the weight of shrinking foreign investment and numerous labor strikes demanding better wages and representation in state-owned companies. The political system remains far from stable, and a referendum on a new constitution and new parliamentary elections that will follow that will test the performance of the Brotherhood's Islamist politics.

This is where Morsi may turn to Turkey for inspiration.

Erdogan's Justice and Development Party, or AKP, has had an extraordinary record of electoral success and longevity, coming to power in 2002 amid economic hardship and a fractured political landscape, and then comfortably winning general elections again in 2007 and 2011.

Zakaria could not confirm local media reports that the AKP provided assistance to the Brotherhood's political party ahead of Egypt's parliamentary elections last year. Brotherhood officials told Egyptian media that the party's local branch in Alexandria, Egypt's second largest city, signed a partnership deal with the AKP in Istanbul, ahead of last winter's parliamentary elections.

Morsi is also expected to attend the annual congress of Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party, a first for an Egyptian leader, and is invited to attend an economic forum organized by the Turkish chamber of commerce on Sunday.

Hassan Malek, a prominent businessman from the Muslim Brotherhood traveling to Turkey with Morsi, said there is much that Egypt can learn from Turkey in the fields of manufacturing, industry and trade zones. He said Egypt could particularly benefit in the fields of manufacturing apparel, and electronics.

Egypt's Minister of Economic Cooperation Ashraf el-Araby told local media that a committee at the level of prime ministers will be formed to push economic cooperation, including opening the African market for both countries. Trade between the two countries has already reached $3.8 billion in the first nine months of 2012, a 27 percent increase compared to the same period last year, said Turkey's ambassador to Egypt Hussein Awny. He estimated the figure could rise to reach $5 billion by the end of the year.

"It is not hidden that there is a meeting of minds. Geographically we are close, we have similar visions," Malek said. "This is a new opportunity. There are many things in the Turkish experience we can transfer and benefit from. But we can't copy everything."


Associated Press writers Chris Torchia and Suzan Fraser contributed to this report from Istanbul and Ankara.


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Holder: Discrimination persists

As part of events marking the anniversary of the admission of the first black student to University of Mississippi, Attorney General Eric?Holder made a speech on campus, Thursday.?Holder says because of persisting discrimination, federal pre-approval of changes to states' voting laws is still necessary.

By Jeff Amy,?Associated Press / September 27, 2012

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder speaks at the University of Mississippi in Oxford, Miss., Thursday. The nation's first black attorney general says preserving civil rights remains a U.S. Justice Department priority.

AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis


Attorney General Eric?Holder?says U.S. laws requiring the Justice Department or a federal court to pre-approve changes to voting laws in states with a history of racial bias are still needed.

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Speaking at the University of Mississippi,?Holder?said Thursday night he wished such pre-approval was no longer necessary. But he said that discrimination is not dead, pointing to a recent federal court decision that concluded Texas lawmakers had unfairly drawn legislative districts to exclude minorities.

Holder?called federal preclearance of voting laws in the mostly southern states "a vital part of our enforcement action."

Holder's?18-minute speech was among Ole Miss events marking the 50th anniversary of the admission of James Meredith as its first black student. U.S. marshals battled rioters in 1961 so Meredith could attend classes.


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Friday, September 28, 2012

September Update on Real Estate | Sam's Real Estate Club

Not only are the hedge funds buying CA real estate, but also the foreign investors, particularly, the Chinese, are gobbling up all the SRFs they can get their hands on. Money is no object and neither is the negative cash flow. It appears they know something we don't or is it possible they are making a mistake? Or, could this be another scheme to make billions of dollars at the expense of the middle class by manipulating the market, much like what happened in 2008?


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Detroit 2025: After the Recession, a City Reimagined

The metamorphosis grew from desperation. In 2008, two of the Big Three carmakers were swirling toward the sinkhole of bankruptcy. The city's population, which peaked at 1.85 million during the post?World War II auto boom, was approaching 700,000. Tracts of wilderness, abandoned factories, and empty houses sparked a perverse fascination with Detroit's ruins. "This whole area really bottomed out," William Clay "Bill" Ford Jr., Ford's chairman and a great-grandson of the automotive company's founder, says.

But then something powerful and unexpected happened: Visionaries and ordinary citizens, tired of living in a crumbling city, decided to quit waiting for someone to fix it. "I think there was a realization by everybody in this region, not just in Detroit, that the way we were doing things was a broken model," Ford says. "At Ford we had to completely reinvent ourselves."

The reinvention was aided by the group that Ford's great-grandfather had resisted so viciously, the United Auto Workers (UAW). "When things were the bleakest," Ford says, "UAW president Ron Gettelfinger and the union took concessions that allowed Ford to survive and ultimately thrive. Ron said to me, 'Look, we've got to get out of this together.' If you can take entrenched institutions like the auto companies and the UAW and completely redefine the relationship, then it should be possible for the city of Detroit to do it too."

That was Bill Ford's epiphany; other Detroiters had their own. People with foresight and guts began investing in the city again. Detroit natives who had fled their broken hometown trickled back, joined by pioneering young people who saw past the city's blight. Instead, they saw available buildings, cheap rents, and a welcome mat for innovators. They saw an iron work ethic and fierce energy. And in a landscape ravaged by depopulation and decay, some bright people saw a blank canvas on which to paint a new urban model.


Reemerging waterways and feral forests claim land left open by sharp population decline. Detroit goes green with planning that takes advantage of the city's unique ecology.


The daylighting, or unearthing, of Bloody Run and other creeks makes water key to a core redevelopment of 3500 acres.


Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and biofuel production from urban forests greatly reduce dependence on an aging power grid.


Waterside paths and parks are used not only for play but also for commuting. They link neighborhoods and promote business development.


Agriculture becomes a small industry for Detroit. Farms export produce to surrounding areas and support a thriving locavore movement.


The water-based redevelopment of Detroit leads to the construction of new bridges, the repair of old ones, and the refurbishing of adjacent streets.


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

300-million-year-old bugs ? now in 3-D

Researchers have made 3-D reconstructions of two 300-million-year-old insect nymphs by putting the rare fossils under an X-ray.

The scientists have not pinned down the precise identity of either bug, or matched them with their adult counterparts, but they say the scans offer the most complete picture of baby insects from this prehistoric Paleozoic Era.

Both insects are just over 0.8 inches (2 centimeters) long and their fossils, which date to the late Carboniferous period (part of the Paleozoic Era), were found at Montceau-les-Mines in France. The researchers, led by Russell Garwood, of the U.K.'s University of Manchester, published their reconstructions online Sept. 25 in the journal PLoS ONE.

The scientists named one of the insects Anebos phrixos, drawing on the Greek words for "young" and "bristling," the latter of which alludes to the insect's defensive spines. The researchers did not name the other insect, but said it resembles a modern cockroach with a flat body that allowed it to squeeze into narrow crevices and avoid making shadows that might attract predators.

The 3-D reconstructions also gave the researchers detailed pictures of the young insects' mouthparts, which hold clues about their diet. In the roach-like nymph, they found little evidence of specialization in its mandibles, maxilla and other parts, suggesting it ate just about anything.

"Much like modern forest roach nymphs, they could have eaten decaying and rotting matter on the forest floor," the scientists wrote.

Researchers have been turning to CT scans to analyze fossils in a non-invasive way. Another team reported Sept. 18 in the journal Paleontology that they reconstructed a spiny mollusk that crept around the sea 390 million years ago with the same method. Taking their digital reconstruction a step further, they used a 3-D printer to make a physical model of the sea creature. [ See Images of Reconstructed Sea Creature ]

Follow LiveScience on Twitter @livescience. We're also on Facebook? and Google+.

? 2012 All rights reserved.


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Ancient Buddhist statue made of meteorite, new study reveals

ScienceDaily (Sep. 26, 2012) ? An ancient Buddhist statue which was first recovered by a Nazi expedition in 1938 has been analyzed by a team of scientists led by Dr. Elmar Buchner from the Institute of Planetology, University of Stuttgart. The probably 1,000-year-old statue, called the "Iron Man," weighs 10 kilograms, portrays the Buddhist god Vaisravana and is believed to originate from the pre-Buddhist Bon culture of the 11th Century. Geochemical analyses by the German-Austrian research team revealed that the priceless statue was carved from an ataxite, a very rare class of iron meteorites.

It sounds like an artifact from an Indiana Jones film: a 1,000-year-old ancient Buddhist statue which was first recovered by a Nazi expedition in 1938 has been analyzed by scientists and has been found to be carved from a meteorite. The findings, published in Meteoritics and Planetary Science, reveal the priceless statue to be a rare ataxite class of meteorite.

The statue, known as the Iron Man, weighs 10kg and is believed to represent a stylistic hybrid between the Buddhist and pre-Buddhist Bon culture that portrays the god Vaisravana, the Buddhist King of the North, also known as Jambhala in Tibet.

The statue was discovered in 1938 by an expedition of German scientists led by renowned zoologist Ernst Sch?fer. It is unknown how the statue was discovered, but it is believed that the large swastika carved into the centre of the figure may have encouraged the team to take it back to Germany. Once it arrived in Munich it became part of a private collection and only became available for study following an auction in 2009.

The first team to study the origins of the statue was led by Dr Elmar Buchner from Stuttgart University. The team was able to classify it as an ataxite, a rare class of iron meteorite with high contents of nickel.

"The statue was chiseled from an iron meteorite, from a fragment of the Chinga meteorite which crashed into the border areas between Mongolia and Siberia about 15.000 years ago. "While the first debris was officially discovered in 1913 by gold prospectors, we believe that this individual meteorite fragment was collected many centuries before," said Dr Buchner.

Meteorites inspired worship from many ancient cultures ranging from the Inuit's of Greenland to the aborigines of Australia. Even today one of the most famous worship sites in the world, Mecca in Saudi Arabia, is based upon the Black Stone, believed to be a stony meteorite. Dr Buchner's team believe the Iron Man originated from the Bon culture of the 11th Century"The Iron Man statue is the only known illustration of a human figure to be carved into a meteorite, which means we have nothing to compare it to when assessing value," said Dr Buchner. "Its origins alone may value it at $20,000; however, if our estimation of its age is correct and it is nearly a thousand years old it could be invaluable."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Stuttgart, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Elmar Buchner, Martin Schmieder, Gero Kurat, Franz Brandst?tter, Utz Kramar, Theo Ntaflos, J?rg Kr?chert. Buddha from space: An ancient object of art made of a Chinga iron meteorite fragment. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 2012; DOI: 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2012.01409.x

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Internal Clock Is Destroying Your Productivity - Business Insider

If you feel as though you always have too much to do and not enough time to do it, perhaps it's not about your workload.

Instead, this is because you haven't figured out how to sync your biological clock to obligations in life.?

What does this mean?

Apparently, your internal clock has a lot to do with how productive you will be at different times in the day ? and everyone's clock is different.

Some people are early birds while others work best as night owls.

Maria Popova?at Brain Pickings?writes that your internal clock is actually "traced down to the genetic level, with individual 'clock genes,' " which basically means, why try to fight it when it's genetics??

You'd be a lot more productive if you try to understand?this clock of yours, use it to your advantage and basically, beat your own system. Figure out when the best time it is for you to perform most efficiently at different tasks throughout the day.

Sue Shellenbarger at The Wall Street Journal?writes:

"Most people organize their time around everything but the body's natural rhythms. Workday demands, commuting, social events and kids' schedules frequently dominate?inevitably clashing with the body's circadian rhythms of waking and sleeping."

For example, when it comes to "doing cognitive work," most people perform best at this in the late morning,?Steve Kay, a professor of molecular and computational biology at the University of Southern California, tells?Shellenbarger.

Sleepiness is also highest around 2 p.m. so this is a good time to nap if you can; distraction hits most people between noon and 4 p.m.; eye-hand coordination is most on point in the late afternoon so this is a good time to play sports that require this skill.?

You should also eat during your "peak" hours so you can burn the most calories and prevent weight gain.?

If you want your emails to have a higher chance of being read, send them before 6 a.m. since people are more likely to check their emails at the start of the day. Morning tweets are more enthusiastic than late night tweets "where emotions heat up just before bedtime, between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m.," Scott Andrew Golder, a doctorate candidate at Cornell University, tells?Shellenbarger.

Furthermore, if you're working on a creative project, it's best to brainstorm when you're most tired since "fatigue may boost creative powers," says?Mareike Wieth, an assistant professor of psychological sciences at Albion College in Michigan.

But all of these times only apply to most people and not everyone, which means figuring out how your clock ticks will help you reach your highest productivity potential.?

NOW SEE: 15 ways to stop procrastinating right now >?


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A Product Spokesman is a Mandatory Role for the Debut of New ...

Enterprise IT ISVs in need of a method of rapidly building market awareness of new products should carefully consider designating a product spokesperson. This product spokesperson should be charged with promoting new products through a variety of media, including:

  • Print, Direct Mail
  • Online Web Sites
  • Social Media
  • Conferences
  • Customer Events, etc

Where an ISV is long on technology, but lacking as regards an understanding of marketing, the need to take this leadership step for a product may elude senior management. Missing this opportunity to designate product leadership often results in a much slower ? and more challenging ? product launch. After all, someone needs to take charge to ensure that a distinct, and consistent message is delivered to markets. Further, this individual needs to create the position papers, white papers, and other high level collateral that is required to create a stir (meaning interest) around a product. Of course, interest will, inevitably, result in engagement with prospects, perhaps in the form of incoming inquiries, or, perhaps in the form of attendance at seminars and other product presentation venues.

Where it is not possible to dedicate head count entirely to this set of tasks, then the tasks can certainly be split among a number of senior managers. However, any/all public announcements, presentations, communications, must be handled uniformly and in one consistent voice. In fact, availing of a third party communications firm can generally suffice to ensure that a product launch proceeds entirely along these lines. Answers to important questions can be fielded from engineering, finance, senior management, etc.; however the position piece that includes these answers must be crafted by a single writer who either establishes the market message, or adds to it, as required. Opting for many different voices speaking to the same topics ought to be entirely avoided as the end result of this type of babble is market confusion and ambiguity ? two conditions that ought to be avoided at almost any cost.

Once product leadership has been designated, then the management team should shift its scrutiny to proofing a communications plan for a product to ensure that every appropriate medium is served with a ?right? message. Partners, collaborators and influential individuals should be informed of the product and included in the review process to ensure that a best effort has been made.

If your business is set to launch a product, but you lack the internal resources to shoulder the marketing communications burden that will have to ensue, then you ought to secure the services of a third party to work with you as you traverse this phase of product development.

IMB Enterprises, Inc. has the resources to successfully execute on this type of requirement. Please contact us to learn further. You can call Ira Michael Blonder at +1 631-673-2929 to further a discussion about our services plan. You may also email Ira at

? IMB Enterprises, Inc. & Ira Michael Blonder, 2012 All Rights Reserved


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BoE's Fisher - new scheme will boost credit supply

LONDON (Reuters) - A Bank of England scheme to give lenders cheap funding will boost credit supply to the recession-hit economy as the majority of Britain's big banks have signed up, central banker Paul Fisher said on Tuesday.

The rate-setter also sounded a note of cautious optimism about the European Central Bank's recent steps to calm the euro zone debt crisis, though he urged European governments to use the opportunity to find a lasting fix to the crisis, which the BoE sees as one of the main drags on the British economy.

Britain's government and central bank started the new scheme in August, hoping to remove one of the obstacles to economic recovery by offering cheap funds to lower banks' funding costs.

"I am confident that the FLS (Funding for Lending Scheme) will help the supply of credit," Fisher said in a speech. "Before its introduction, it was more likely than not that the stock of credit would contract further over the next 18 months."

Fisher said that 13 lenders had signed up for the scheme, representing 73 percent of the stock of lending to households and companies, as of the end of June. A significant number of other institutions were close to signing up too, he added.

Under the scheme, banks and building societies can borrow up to 5 percent of their stock of existing lending from the BoE, plus any expansion of its lending during the period between the end of June and the end of 2013.

With some 1.2 trillion pounds of lending to firms and households on their books, the banks currently participating could tap a total of around 60 billion pounds in cheap funds, compared to some 80 billion if all banks took part.

It may take banks a while to fully review their lending plans, and drawings on the scheme will likely be spread out over the full time frame to the end of 2013, Fisher said. The BoE will provide details about banks' use of the scheme on December 3.

Fisher said five of Britain's six largest banks had signed up for the scheme. HSBC said right at the start it did not want to participate as it preferred to fund lending through customer deposits.


A lack of credit is one of the obstacles to recovery for the economy, which has been slowly moving out of recession over recent months.

Some BoE policymakers have indicated that they believe the funding for lending scheme could be a better way to get a recovery going than further purchases of government bonds with newly created money.

Most economists still expect another dose of quantitative easing asset buys once the current 50 billion-pound round is completed in November.

"Should the FLS succeed in boosting aggregate demand, then pressure on the MPC to relax policy will wane," Barclays analyst Chris Crowe said in a note.

However, Crowe was sceptical about the overall impact of the scheme. "We do not think that banks will substantially relax lending standards to promote new lending," he said.

Previous schemes to spur lending since the financial crisis have failed to give a clear boost to the economy. The government has also launched a state-backed business bank to provide more loans to smaller companies.

The British Bankers' Association (BBA) said that lending to consumers and businesses fell again on the year in August.

"Over time, the Funding for Lending Scheme will improve lending conditions, though it is too early to measure any impact yet," the BBA said, adding that the weakness in the economy may well be the reason why companies were reluctant to borrow.

The BoE has said the cost of loans and tighter credit conditions are a major reason for the lack of lending, blaming the euro zone debt crisis for a rise in banks' funding costs.

The ECB's recent decision to buy bonds from countries like Italy and Spain had improved market sentiment, Fisher said.

"I would caution, however, that we have been here before," he said. "Along with every other market participant I hope that this time will be different."

Politicians now had to use the time provided by the central bank's action to take the necessary steps such as improving the competitiveness of southern European countries, he said.

(Additional reporting by Olesya Dmitracova)


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

LaCie's Rugged USB 3.0 Thunderbolt: fast portable storage that can take a beating

LaCie's Rugged USB 30 Thunderbolt fast portable storage that can take a beating

LaCie's no stranger to kicking out portable HDDs that are a-okay with getting kicked around, and the Rugged USB 3.0 Thunderbolt Series is no exception. As the extended title implies, this one is equipped to transfer files via USB 3.0 or Thunderbolt, and it'll play nice with Mac and Windows platforms. The LaCie Rugged SSD offers up transfer rates as high as 380MB/sec -- a feat we came darn close to hitting ourselves in testing -- and the HDD variants claim up to 110MB/sec. The bantam drive is entirely bus-powered, and it's engineered to shake off drops of up to four feet. Interesting? Both models should be shipping shortly, with the 1TB HDD edition going for $249.99 and the 120GB SSDer for $199.99.

Continue reading LaCie's Rugged USB 3.0 Thunderbolt: fast portable storage that can take a beating

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Uruguay poised to legalize abortion

MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (AP) ? Uruguay's congress appeared ready on Tuesday to legalize abortion, a groundbreaking move in Latin America, where no country save Cuba has made abortions accessible to all women during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Compromises made to secure votes disappointed both sides of the abortion divide, which gathered in protest. Once it gets through Uruguay's lower house, the measure would go back to the Senate for approval of changes, but President Jose Mujica has said he will allow it to become law.

The measure would give women the right to a legal abortion during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, and decriminalize later-term abortions when the mother's life is at risk or when the fetus is so deformed that it wouldn't survive after birth. In cases of rape, abortions would be legal during the first 14 weeks.

The goal is to reduce the number of illegal abortions in Uruguay, Congressman Ivan Posada of the center-left Independent Party told his fellow lawmakers Tuesday. Posada wrote the measure and is expected to provide a key 50th vote against the opposition of 49 other lawmakers.

"They talk of 30,000 a year, a hypothetical number, but whatever the number is, it's quite dramatic for a country where 47,000 children are born each year," Posada explained earlier in an Associated Press interview.

A poll this month showed 52 percent of Uruguayans would vote to legalize abortion if the question were put to the people, while 34 percent would vote against it. The survey of 802 people nationwide by the CIFRA consulting firm had a 3.4 percentage point margin of error.

Compromises include requiring women seeking abortions to justify their request before a panel of at least three professionals ? a gynecologist, psychologist and social worker ? and listen to advice about alternatives including adoption and support services if should she decide to keep the baby.

Then, she must wait five more days "to reflect" on the consequences before the procedure.

"It's important that the woman who decides to have an abortion attend this meeting where she will be informed, where they'll explain all the options including alternatives that she is free to choose from," Posada told the AP.

The review panel should obtain the father's point of view, but only if the woman agrees. Women under 18 must show parental consent, but they can seek approval from a judge instead if they're unwilling or unable to involve their parents in the decision.

The measure also allows entire private health care institutions, as well as individual health care providers, to decline to perform abortions.

Such requirements raised objections from Amnesty International and other groups, which say layers of bureaucracy will create barriers and delay abortions until more than 12 weeks have passed, thus forcing women and health care providers into criminal territory.

"This is not the law for which we fought for more than 25 years," complained Marta Agunin, who directs Women and Health, a non-governmental organization in Uruguay.

Also opposed are Uruguay's Catholic and evangelical institutions, which along with public hospitals provide much of the available health care in Uruguay.

A statement from Uruguay's Catholic University says it makes no sense to punish a woman for killing a fetus that is 12 weeks and 1 day old, but to decriminalize abortions before then. Conservatives also object to the removal of a proposal to require the father's consent before any abortion.

Cuba, which decriminalizes abortions in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy, is the only country in Latin America where legal abortion is common. Argentina and Colombia allow it only in cases of rape or when the mother's life is endangered. Colombia also allows it when there is proof of fetal malformation. Mexico City has legalized first-trimester abortions, but there are restrictions in most other parts of the country.

Many countries ban abortions under any conditions.

Uruguay's lawmakers have no desire to make their country a destination for women from other countries seeking abortions. The measure says only Uruguayan citizens and women who can prove at least one year's residency can apply. "This is a solution for those who live here, not that Uruguay becomes a place that attracts people from other countries for this procedure," Posada told the AP.

Opposition Deputy Javier Garcia of the center-right National Party accused lawmakers of treating living embryos as if they were "disposable," which he equated with murder.

The margin for the law was razor-thin on Tuesday after Deputy Andres Lima of the ruling Broad Front coalition said he would refuse to vote. With Posada joining the coalition, the measure appeared headed for passage by a 50-49 vote margin.

Dr. Marie Gonzalez, bioethicist at the University of the Republic, called the measure "evil" and vowed to work to persuade her fellow gynecologists to refuse to perform the procedure if it becomes law.

"The embryo-fetus is a human being, and as such has rights, like the human right to live," she said.


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The iPad 3 is without doubt the best iPad yet. This is a brilliant product that will have you spending ours on. It has many features such as the camera which is very, very good. The iPad itself comes in two different colors (Black or White). The iPad itself looks very stylish and cool. The most annoying thing with Apple products is the fact that it doesn't have Java. Another slight problem that i have with this product is how heavy it is, i wish it was a lot lighter than it is. The speakers are very good, though it isn't as loud as i would have thought considering the size of the tablet. Another downside of this product is the price, is it really worth so much? In my honest opinion i would say no, considering the amount of time i use the product. But overall it's a nice product to have.

Summary: Good product

More reviews in the field of Tablet PC / eBook Reader


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Monday, September 24, 2012

Mitt Romney upset that airplane windows don't open (Americablog)

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Golf-Tour Championship winners

Sept 23 | Sun Sep 23, 2012 11:45pm BST

Sept 23 (Reuters) - Winners of the Tour Championship following the three-shot victory by American Brandt Snedeker at East Lake Golf Club in Atlanta, Georgia on Sunday (U.S. unless stated):

2012 Brandt Snedeker

2011 Bill Haas

2010 Jim Furyk

2009 Phil Mickelson

2008 Camilo Villegas (Colombia)

2007 Tiger Woods

2006 Adam Scott (Australia)

2005 Bart Bryant

2004 Retief Goosen (South Africa)

2003 Chad Campbell

2002 Vijay Singh (Fiji)

2001 Mike Weir (Canada)

2000 Phil Mickelson

1999 Woods

1998 Hal Sutton

1997 David Duval

1996 Tom Lehman

1995 Billy Mayfair

1994 Mark McCumber

1993 Jim Gallagher junior

1992 Paul Azinger

1991 Craig Stadler

1990 Jodie Mudd

1989 Tom Kite

1988 Curtis Strange

1987 Tom Watson (Compiled by Mark Lamport-Stokes; Editing by Gene Cherry)


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3 Reasons Lifting Weights Works Better Than Cardio for Fat Loss ...


While diet is generally the biggest factor involved in any successful weight loss program, exercise is a crucial element to accelerate your fat loss and put you on the path to long term good health and weight maintenance.

However, I see people all the time sabotaging their success by following conventional wisdom methods. At best, these nonsense exercise programs are boring waste of time. At worst, they can actually slow your progress!

If you were going to design an exercise program to compliment your dieting efforts, what type of exercises would you do? If you?re like most people, the first thing that comes to mind is long, grueling sessions of aerobic exercise. Maybe you picture jogging lap after lap, or putting on your headphones in tuning out on an elliptical machine. Maybe your idea of a weight loss program is signing up for the step aerobics class at your local gym.

If so, then I?m delighted to give you the good news that your days of sweating and huffing and puffing are over.

Now, I don?t mean to say that Cardio workouts are completely useless. As part of a general health program, they can be very helpful. They are a great way to improve your cardiovascular function and can low your cholesterol and blood pressure.

However, if your goal is to lose weight, cardio can actually hurt your progress. The reason is that the goal of exercises for weight loss is to increase your total daily calorie expenditure.

When you do cardio, you are only burning calories while you are doing the exercise. When you do weight Lifting, you keep burning calories for days after your workout. When you do cardio, you can actually make your muscle shrink which means you will gain fat even if you eat don?t increase your calorie intake! When you lift weights, you gain metabolically active tissue (that is to say, muscle) which will mean you can eat more food without gaining fat.

Let me explain the three main reasons that resistance training is definitely the best method for sustainable fat loss:

1. Lifting Weights Burn Calories for Days!

Weight lifting causes something called EPOC, which stands for Excessive Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption. In layman?s terms, this means your muscles keep using up oxygen to burn calories (just like when you do cardio) for days after your stop working out. The effect of this can be very dramatic. Often a single 20min weight lifting workout will burn more calories than hours of cardio.

2. Lifting Weights Builds Muscle!

Muscle burns calories all day, every day. Even when you?re sleeping. This raises your basal metabolic rate, meaning that you can eat more calories while losing weight. That way, you?ll feel better and won?t be hungry all the time, so you?ll stick to your diet longer.

Don?t worry ladies, because you have low testosterone levels, you won?t build bulky muscles. You will still receive the fat loss benefits though.

3. Lifting Weights is Easier, Faster, and More Fun!

The rule of thumb with any lifestyle change is that the more unpleasant it is, the harder it is to stick with. If you?re anything like me, its hard to imagine anything more unpleasant than cardio! With weight lifting, you can be in an out of the gym is less than half an hour, and you only have to do it two or three times a week. What could be easier?

If you don?t know how to set up a weight lifting program, check out the links to my website below where you can find more info on setting up an effective program for weight loss.

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

The original Twitter? Tiny electronic tags monitor birds' social networks

Friday, September 21, 2012

If two birds meet deep in the forest, does anybody hear? Until now, nobody did, unless an intrepid biologist was hiding underneath a bush and watching their behavior, or the birds happened to meet near a research monitoring station. But an electronic tag designed at the University of Washington can for the first time see when birds meet in the wild.

A new study led by a biologist at Scotland's University of St. Andrews used the UW tags to see whether crows might learn to use tools from one another. The findings, published last week in Current Biology, supported the theory by showing an unexpected amount of social mobility, with the crows often spending time near birds outside their immediate family.

The study looked at crows in New Caledonia, an archipelago of islands in the South Pacific. The crows are famous for using different tools to extract prey from deadwood and vegetation. Biologists wondered whether the birds might learn by watching each other.

The results, as reported by St. Andrews, revealed "a surprising number of contacts" between non-related crows. During one week, the technology recorded more than 28,000 interactions among 34 crows. While core family units of New Caledonian crows contain only three members, the study found all the birds were connected to the larger social network.

The new paper is the first published study using the UW tags to record animal social interactions.

"This is a new type of animal-tracking technology," said co-author Brian Otis, a UW associate professor of electrical engineering whose lab developed the tags. "Ecology is just one of the many fields that will be transformed with miniaturized, low-power wireless sensors."

Biologists normally tag animals with radio transmitters that broadcast at a particular frequency, and field researchers use a receiver to listen for that frequency and detect when the animal is present. An encounter between small animals would only be recorded if the researcher was nearby.

The UW system, called Encounternet, uses programmable digital tags that can send and receive pulses.

"Encounternet tags can monitor each other, so you can use them to study interactions among animals," said co-author John Burt, a UW affiliate professor of electrical engineering. "You can't even start to do that with other radio-tracking technology."

Other research groups are using the UW tags around the world. Researchers at the University of Windsor in Canada are using them to study mating behavior in Costa Rican long-tailed manikins; a researcher at Drexel University is using them to study the interaction between birds and army ants in Costa Rica; German researchers are putting the tags on sea lions in the Galapagos Islands to study their behavior as they pull up on beaches; and researchers in the Netherlands are studying the social behavior of great tits, a small woodland bird.

"It's a big topic right now, the idea that animals have social networks," Burt said. He has been working with field biologists for the last three years to deploy the tags.

"There are other tags that can do proximity logging, but they're all very big and for larger animals. None is as small as Encounternet ? or even near to it."

The smallest of the UW tags weighs less than 1 gram (0.035 ounces) and can be used on animals as light as 20 grams (less than an ounce), about the weight of a sparrow. Researchers attach the tags to birds with straps that degrade and harmlessly fall off after the battery dies. The tag records nearby pulses, and the signal strength gives an estimate of the other animal's distance.

A typical study using the system includes a few dozen tags and between 10 and 100 fixed base stations. When tagged animals pass a base station the data is transmitted wirelessly from the tag to the base station, and from there to the Internet. Researchers can also reprogram the tags remotely ? for example, they can look at initial results to see when there are few encounters happening, and turn the battery off during those times to conserve power.

Burt completed his doctorate at the UW in 2000, with a dissertation on birdsong communication and learning. He wished that there was a way to automatically monitor bird interactions in the wild, and in 2005 joined forces with Otis, an expert in small, lightweight, low-power electronics. Burt managed the project to develop the tags, with funding from the National Science Foundation, as a research scientist in Otis' group.

This fall they founded Encounternet LLC in Portland, Ore., where Burt now lives. He is working to add a GPS component to record the location of encounters, and to add an accelerometer and other sensors that could detect an animal's behavior.

"People are excited about this because for the first time, it allows them to study smaller animal interactions and social networks on an incredibly fine scale," Burt said. "Social networks are turning out to be key to understanding many animal behaviors. People say Encounternet is the only thing they can find that can collect that information."


University of Washington:

Thanks to University of Washington for this article.

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Friday, September 21, 2012

Sprint marks one million LTE devices sold


LTE handsets? Sprint's got 'em. And while the carrier's network deployment may be, well, a bit lacking at present, plenty of Now Network subscribers have been happy to pick up devices boasting the speedy technology. Speaking at a conference in New York, CEO Dan Hesse noted that Sprint has moved some one million LTE devices -- a number that's likely to keep growing, as the carrier continues to roll out coverage.

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Arctic sea ice hits smallest extent in satellite era

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The frozen cap of the Arctic Ocean appears to have reached its annual summertime minimum extent and broken a new record low on Sept. 16, the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) has reported. Analysis of satellite data by NASA and the NASA-supported NSIDC at the University of Colorado in Boulder showed that the sea ice extent shrunk to 1.32 million square miles (3.41 million square kilometers).

The new record minimum measures almost 300,000 square miles less than the previous lowest extent in the satellite record, set in mid-September 2007, of 1.61 million square miles (4.17 million square kilometers). For comparison, the state of Texas measures around 268,600 square miles.

NSIDC cautioned that, although Sept. 16 seems to be the annual minimum, there's still time for winds to change and compact the ice floes, potentially reducing the sea ice extent further. NASA and NSIDC will release a complete analysis of the 2012 melt season next month, once all data for September are available.

Arctic sea ice cover naturally grows during the dark Arctic winters and retreats when the sun re-appears in the spring. But the sea ice minimum summertime extent, which is normally reached in September, has been decreasing over the last three decades as Arctic ocean and air temperatures have increased. This year's minimum extent is approximately half the size of the average extent from 1979 to 2000. This year's minimum extent also marks the first time Arctic sea ice has dipped below 4 million square kilometers.

"Climate models have predicted a retreat of the Arctic sea ice; but the actual retreat has proven to be much more rapid than the predictions," said Claire Parkinson, a climate scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. "There continues to be considerable inter-annual variability in the sea ice cover, but the long-term retreat is quite apparent."

The thickness of the ice cover is also in decline.

"The core of the ice cap is the perennial ice, which normally survived the summer because it was so thick", said Joey Comiso, senior scientist with NASA Goddard. "But because it's been thinning year after year, it has now become vulnerable to melt".

The disappearing older ice gets replaced in winter with thinner seasonal ice that usually melts completely in the summer.

This year, a powerful cyclone formed off the coast of Alaska and moved on Aug. 5 to the center of the Arctic Ocean, where it churned the weakened ice cover for several days. The storm cut off a large section of sea ice north of the Chukchi Sea and pushed it south to warmer waters that made it melt entirely. It also broke vast extensions of ice into smaller pieces more likely to melt.

"The storm definitely seems to have played a role in this year's unusually large retreat of the ice", Parkinson said. "But that exact same storm, had it occurred decades ago when the ice was thicker and more extensive, likely wouldn't have had as prominent an impact, because the ice wasn't as vulnerable then as it is now."

NASA scientists derive 2012 sea ice concentration data from microwave instruments aboard Defense Meteorological Satellite Program satellites. The wind data in the visualization is from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction.


NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center:

Thanks to NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center for this article.

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