Sunday, September 16, 2012

Create.Craft.Love.: Meet the Judges

We are so excited to introduce you to the six amazing ladies who will be judging the Handmade Halloween Costume Party & Contest!? These women have graciously volunteered their time and expertise to make this a truly "spook"tacular event!


Hi! ?I'm Adrianne, and I blog over at Happy Hour Projects,?where I focus on quick and easy projects you can do in an hour or less! ?You'll find a pretty wide variety of projects - jewelry, sewing, baking - but what they have in common is that I present photo tutorials for creative things you can actually fit into a busy day. ?Because like a lot of you - my days are packed!

I'm a mom and a wife and a?creative blogger, and?I have an Etsy shop where I sell jewelry made from books and maps.??That's what I enjoy during my me-time! ?I love crafting (especially for my daughter) and writing, so the blog has been the perfect outlet for both passions. ?I've been at it nearly a year now, and I have enjoyed the connections I've made with other bloggers and creative people so much. ?There are just some things you can talk to your creative friends about that no one else can understand! ? I also work full-time, so I don't have as much time to enjoy my family and my hobbies as much as I would like (but hey, it's keeps a roof over our heads and my craft shelves stocked, which is a good thing!)

?One of my favorite holidays is Halloween, because I love the costumes. ?Dressing up is so much fun, so I'm really excited to be a part of the Handmade Halloween Costume Contest!

I'd love to see you over at Happy Hour Projects anytime! ?Find me here:
I am a stay at home mom of 4 boys. My house is full of wrestling, noise and dirt. (Well, I try to keep the dirt to a minimum inside the house at least...)

Maybe that's why I need this blog-a touch of the feminine side of my life. My chance to do girly things like wearing a cute apron and cooking a nice meal or hiding out in my closet sewing and crafting.?

I love to do WAY too many things. I love sewing. I love baking. I love reading. Other than my kids and my family, those are my top three hobbies. I am addicted to Pinterest, love to craft, have a brand new house that is crying out for some decorating, love doing fun things with my kids, making holidays (even the small ones) fun and basically can't sit still.


Barbara from Chase the Star

Hi there! I?m Barbara from?Chase the Star.??I?m a wife, mom, and a Christian.??I started blogging as a creative outlet a few months ago, and can?t believe how much I love it!??I?ve always been creative and a DIY?er, and now I have my own little spot in the blogosphere to share my creations, tips, rants, etc. with you!??It?s been so fun to connect with other bloggers (and non-bloggers) that enjoy similar things! Chase the Star?focuses on DIY decorating and crafting on a budget.? I love to shop at thrift stores, garage sales, Craigslist, or anywhere else I can get a fun item for dirt cheap!? Taking an ugly piece and making it beautiful is a thrill for me! ?Other things I enjoy are chocolate, reading, music, movies, and reality t.v. (guilty pleasure!)

Thanks for taking the time to get to know a little about me :) ?I'm excited to get to know you!?


Of course, the obvious question- What is a "bear rabbit bear"??

Bear rabbit bear came about when I was desperately trying to come up with a creative blog name. Every night before my daughter would go to bed, she would ask for her "bear rabbit bear", a collection of two bears and a rabbit that she had to have with her as she slept. Bear rabbit bear became a saying around our home whenever Princess became cranky or needed some sleep or comfort. It only seemed fitting to preserve a little bit of her childhood comforts through my blog.

?I love writing. It's the one way that I can be totally me! Sometimes people misunderstand the things that I say, but when writing, it all seems to come out and clear and totally together. I am note a blogger by day, but rather one by night. By day I work in the medical field. I have had the honor of being published in a few of my medical journals, as well as being featured in the Proverbs 31 Ministries magazine.

I started blogging as a way to combine my love for inspiring others and writing. While you'll find many crafts and DIY projects on this blog, my focus is about anything that inspires you to be the person that God meant for you to be.


I'm Meredith from {Wait Til Your Father Gets Home}, a crafty and DIY blog that I recently started since becoming a stay at home mom to this little cutie. (That's us last year during his first Halloween. He was a little green monster :))

First and foremost, I'm a wife and a mama. I also have a weakness for cinnamon toast crunch, flip flops, McDonald's caramel frappes, fall weather (and college football season, GO Spartans!), and last, but not least, The Target Dollar Spot.

I look forward to hearing from some of you soon!


Rachel from Family Ever After

Hi! I'm Rachel, and my blog is Family Ever After.
I am a country girl at heart... my 4 sisters and I grew up in South Dakota. I've know my husband since we were 12, he grew up there too! I went to college at BYU, where I majored in Family and Consumer Science Education. I taught middle school sewing for a year. I'm now living my dream being a mom to 3. I'm very passionate about letting my kids "help" me do projects. Basically, my blog is a big mish mash of things I love: sewing, crafting, food, family, travel, gardening, country music, sunflowers, clogging, and running, and taking pictures of it all!

Feel free to stop by and join the family!



project runway all stars elin nordegren tangled ever after kansas state last house on the left last house on the left rich forever mixtape

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