Monday, October 29, 2012

Obama: Storm is 'serious and big,' and slow-moving

WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Barack Obama said Sunday that the storm taking aim at the East Coast is a "serious and big storm" that will be slow-moving and might take time to clear up. The government would "respond big and respond fast" after it hits, he said.

Obama met with federal emergency officials for an update on the storm's path and the danger it poses to the Middle Atlantic States and New England.

"My main message to everybody involved is that we have to take this seriously," Obama said. He urged people to "listen to your local officials."

The president said emergency officials were confident that staging for the storm was in place.

Hurricane Sandy was expected to hit the East Coast late Monday, then combine with two winter weather systems as it moves inland, creating a hybrid superstorm. At least four battleground states are likely to be hit: New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia.

Obama traveled the nearly three miles from the White House to the Federal Emergency Management Agency's headquarters in his motorcade. He made the comments after a briefing by agency officials that was led by FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate. The group participated in a conference call with governors in states in the storm's path, including Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New York. The president also spoke with mayors from Washington, Newark, N.J., Baltimore and Philadelphia.

As part of the briefing, the president also met with FEMA workers and thanked them.

"My message to the governors as well as to the mayors is anything they need, we will be there, and we will cut through red tape. We are not going to get bogged down with a lot of rules," he said. "We want to make sure we are anticipating and leaning forward into making sure that we have the best possible response to what is going to be a big and messy system.

Later Sunday the president headed to Florida, where he's campaigning Monday.

"My first priority has to be making sure that everything is in place" to help those affected by the storm, Obama told campaign workers in Orlando. He said the storm meant he would "not be able to campaign quite as much over the next few days."


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Switched On: Tablets and tradeoffs

DNP Switched On Tablets and tradeoffs

This week saw the debut of two ARM-powered tablets by old rivals. One eschews traditional desktop input methods; the other embraces them. One occupies the high end of pricing in its class; the other is competitive with the market leader. One had the engineering goal of fitting in one hand; the other comes with a kickstand for being set on a desk or table. But perhaps the biggest contrast between the iPad mini and the Surface RT approaches is how well they take advantage of the hardware and software momentum of their predecessors.

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Switched On: Tablets and tradeoffs originally appeared on Engadget on Sun, 28 Oct 2012 17:30:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

What Fears Are Holding Your Small Business Back? | Small ...

Halloween is almost here and creepy things are everywhere. It?s the time of year when we enjoy a good fright. But are there other (not-so-fun) fears holding your small business back from getting where you want it to go?

One of the joys of running your own business is that you get to decide what happens next. You don?t have to do what a boss is telling you. But sometimes, that can backfire if you avoid doing things that make you scared or uncomfortable. Yes, you may be able to get your business to a certain level of success without ever facing your demons. But if you want to achieve breakthrough growth, you need to push past the fears that are holding you back.

business fear

What kinds of fears are you facing (or failing to face)?

Below?are some common ones:

Fear Of Technology

Technology moves so fast today that sometimes it?s tempting to just throw up your hands and say, ?I?ll never get up to speed.? Well, your business can?t afford that attitude. Even if you?re a dyed-in-the-wool technophobe, you need to get over it, because today technology is essential to give your small business an edge.

Start by hiring someone (inside or outsourced) who knows the stuff you don?t and can get your company up to speed. If you must, take a class (online or off) to learn the basics. Enlist a patient friend to tutor you. Anything that gets you comfortable with what you need to know.

Fear Of Sales

This is a huge one for lots of entrepreneurs, myself included. When we first started our business, I struggled with fears of seeming pushy, aggressive or money-grubbing when I went out to ask for the sale. I wish I could tell you there?s some easy formula for getting over this fear, but there isn?t.

I just had to do it over and over, until it got easier (I didn?t say easy). Practice makes (almost) perfect.

Fear Of Being A Boss

When your company is young and small, it?s easy to feel like you and your tiny team are pretty much equals, and that?s more comfortable for many entrepreneurs who don?t want to be perceived as the distant ?boss-man.? However, as your business grows, you?ll have to distance yourself a bit so you can take on sometimes scary tasks like making unpopular decisions, or disciplining employees who aren?t working out.

I?m not saying you can?t be a nice, friendly boss, but acknowledging that you are the boss is a crucial step in getting your business to the next level.

Fear Of Networking

It?s easier than ever to network through social media today, and many of us are great at that. But you also need to go offline sometimes and get up close and personal. Networking has earned an unfortunate reputation as phony ?schmoozing,? but in reality, it?s how relationships are built and business is done.

Make sure you invite your online connections out for coffee or lunch on a regular basis, attend networking events and industry conferences, and generally put yourself out there. If you?re shy (like I am), start with things in your comfort zone (like coffee with one person) and move up to the big leagues gradually?but do move up, or your business won?t.

Fear Of Success

When you get stuck in the day-to-day running your business and making payroll, sometimes your sights get set too low. Do that long enough, and you may decide it?s not worth dreaming big because you?ll never get there anyway.

That?s the surest route to business stagnation and a ho-hum life. To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, take your eyes off the ground and make time to look at the stars.

Fear Photo via Shutterstock

About Rieva Lesonsky

Rieva Lesonsky Rieva Lesonsky is CEO of GrowBiz Media, a media company that helps entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses. Visit her blog, SmallBizDaily. Visit her website SmallBizTrendCast to get the scoop on business trends and sign up for Rieva?s free TrendCast reports.



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Five reasons to oppose the Del Mar school bond - Del Mar Times ...

By Marsha Sutton

Marsha Sutton

Proposition CC, a $76.8 million General Obligation bond measure sponsored by the Del Mar Union School District, asks homeowners on Nov. 6 to approve taxing themselves $8.44 per $100,000 of property value annually.

According to the San Diego County Taxpayers Association, the DMUSD proposes to issue the bond in five phases ? in 2013, 2018, 2023, 2028 and 2033. The total debt service is expected to be paid off in 2058.

It?s costing the DMUSD about $13,140, according to the Registrar of Voters, to place Proposition CC on the November ballot.

Under the terms of a GO bond, the money can only be used for capital improvements and facilities needs. The measure requires 55 percent approval to pass.

Although there are more, here are five reasons to oppose this bond.

1. The district openly admits its intent to use General Obligation bond money to offset general fund expenditures, in violation of the conditions of a GO bond.

The San Diego County Taxpayers Association opposes Proposition CC, noting this reason in its key findings: ?District has stated intent to use bond to offset General Fund expenditures.?

In a letter to the editor published in this newspaper on Sept. 20, 2012, Suzanne Hall, co-chair of the Yes on CC campaign, said, ?As Sacramento continues to turn down the tap on education funding, the DMUSD finds itself in the same hole than many other districts have already succumbed to: find an alternate source of funding or make cuts that impact the classroom.?

Hall also wrote, ?Though the funds from our bonds cannot and will not be directly applied to the salaries of the district staff, the money can take pressure off the general fund that pays for those classroom expenses.?

In a story in the Oct. 11 issue of this newspaper, Hall said the driving force behind the bond is that state funding has been on a consistent decline for several years.

?Another key component on the General Obligation bond,? DMUSD superintendent Holly McClurg wrote in an email in August, ?is to relieve/insulate the general fund of the school district.?

At the Sept. 19 school board meeting, McClurg, in a presentation to trustees on the initiative, again said the bond money could offset general fund expenses. As an example, she referenced $600,000 spent on school fencing that she said could have been funded by the bond but instead came out of the general fund.

It?s hard to decide whether to give the district credit for honesty (that they openly acknowledge an intent to use bond money to bolster the general fund) or condemnation for dishonesty (that doing this is illegal).

2. Programs funded by a GO bond should be for immediate, critical facilities needs.

A General Obligation bond is not a wish-list for projects that would be nice to have, such as allocating $6 million for a special education preschool as the DMUSD plan states.

It?s also not for undefined problems that might happen in the future.

According to district figures, enrollment as of June 2012 was 4,401 and in September was 4,302 ? 100 fewer students. Demographic studies show this trend continuing for a number of years. There is no shortage of seats in the district, which is currently experiencing declining enrollment.

Yet DMUSD board president Scott Wooden said in an interview in August that the bond money can help build a school in Pacific Highlands Ranch when a likely need is projected in 2018 to 2020.

?It?s going to be a long time before the state starts funding new schools again, and we?ll have to start looking at that in five to seven years,? he said.

Wooden also said some bond money would be set aside for improvements to newer schools ?as they age over the next 20 to 30 years? ? like Ocean Air which he said will eventually need a new roof. Ocean Air opened in 2007.

?When you look at the schools that are newer today, you will need to maintain those schools,? he said.

At the school district?s board meeting on Sept. 19, McClurg said of the bond money:

?The bond ?will allow for money to do work long-range.?

?It is ?impossible to say what the needs will be 15 to 20 years from now.?

??A school [may not be] ready for work now but will be in 10 to 20 years.?

In its overall summary, the SDCTA offered this additional objection: ?The district is proposing to use bond funds paid over the next four decades to support ongoing, short-term maintenance needs.?

The SDCTA noted that Sacramento ?recently allowed school districts to allocate deferred maintenance funds to the general fund.? As a result, Del Mar eliminated funding for deferred maintenance in Fiscal Year 2011 through FY 2013.

A GO bond is not for possible future needs, items on a wish list, or regularly scheduled maintenance. Immediate, dire facilities needs and relief of existing overcrowding are acceptable uses.

3. Schools are in good shape.

A Jan. 11, 2010 District Advisory Committee report commissioned by the DMUSD found the following: ?The schools in the DMUSD vary in age, from 45 to 2 years old, and all are in good repair and fully functional.?

With the exception of Carmel Del Mar, ?all other schools are modern with no serious defects or deficiencies,? the DAC noted.

4. The district plans to use bond money to pay for technology? with a short life span.

?The district proposes using long-term bonds to pay for student devices that will only last three to five years,? objects the SDCTA.

Other objections in the SDCTA review for Proposition CC include:

??The [district?s] presentation includes reference to General Fund relief resulting from ?teaching devices? and ?student devices? paid for from the bond.?

? ?The district plans to use bond funds to ?purchase portable learning technology equipment.??

Many districts, including San Diego Unified, have been harshly criticized for using taxpayer bond money to purchase devices with a limited lifespan. Del Mar Union?s program to buy personal technology qualifies for legitimate criticism on this point.

5. The idea for the bond was slapped together at the last minute, with little long-range planning or due diligence.

The DMUSD revealed its interest in a bond measure to surprised neighboring districts not until March 2012.

?This was not on anybody?s radar,? said San Dieguito Union High School District superintendent Ken Noah in May.

Contrast this with the approach taken by SDUHSD which is also asking voters to approve a GO bond this year.

SDUHSD transparently created a task force nearly four years ago to investigate the condition of its facilities and precisely specify the work needed, making sure along the way that the public was well-advised of the district?s aim to provide in-depth information to support a GO bond.

In Del Mar, there was no similar facilities task force and nothing leading up to its surprise announcement.

The claim by the DMUSD that its bond is based on a two-year strategic plan for facilities is not credible. Every school district has a facilities plan; serious work on what a bond measure entails is quite different and demands dedicated attention to details not generally covered in a strategic plan.

After surveying community members at the behest of the board on a 3-2 vote, the Dolinka Group financial consultants determined that about $8 per $100,000 was the optimal amount that at least 55 percent of voters would support.

But the way it?s supposed to work is that school districts identify a need first and then ask for funding ? not grab a big pile of money, based on what consultants think voters will sit still for, and then figure out how to spend it.

Disturbingly, the three board members who voted with Wooden to place the bond measure on the ballot at the July board meeting did so without seeing any specific information on costs, projects or per-site improvements.

Wooden, who insisted on reviewing some specifics from staff before voting on the measure, said he was ?disappointed? when the packet for the board?s July meeting lacked bond detail.

Board members are stewards of the public trust, and the public rightfully expects trustees to vet this information sufficiently and scrutinize these kinds of measures with careful analysis and due diligence, before presenting it before voters for approval.

In its analysis, the San Diego County Taxpayers Association weighed in on Del Mar?s apparent lack of preparation:

? ?The technology component for each site has not been specifically outlined.?

? ?Schedule regarding projects has not been provided.?

??The project list that will be presented to voters does not identify the list of improvements by site.?

Lani Lutar, president of the SDCTA, said in an interview that Del Mar missed the deadline for submission to the SDCTA. Other school districts also missed the July 5 deadline, but each approached the SDCTA beforehand and explained why they would be late.

?We granted extensions for a few districts that requested more time early on, but in each of those instances, the school districts had requested meetings with us prior to the deadline and made their case for why they needed more time,? Lutar wrote in an email.? ?That is not true of Del Mar Union.?

Del Mar did little upfront preparation, threw together a hastily prepared package, and is now broadcasting ?sky is falling? doomsday scenarios and expects taxpayers to go along quietly.

Will you?

Marsha Sutton can be reached at

Related posts:

  1. San Diego County Taxpayers? Association supports high school district bond, opposes Del Mar school district bond
  2. Del Mar school district to conduct bond feasibility study
  3. District should come up with something affordable ? Vote ?No? on high school bond Prop AA
  4. Proposition CC: Why we need a bond to support the DMUSD
  5. Del Mar school district continues to move forward on bond

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All day, all night: Obama's long search for votes

President Barack Obama gestures while speaking during a campaign rally in Byrd park in Richmond, Va., Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012. The president is on the second day of his 48 hour, 8 State campaign blitz. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)

President Barack Obama gestures while speaking during a campaign rally in Byrd park in Richmond, Va., Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012. The president is on the second day of his 48 hour, 8 State campaign blitz. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)

President Barack Obama gestures while speaking during a campaign event at Ybor City Museum State Park, Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012, in Tampa, Fla. The president is on the second day of his 48 hour, 8 State campaign blitz. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

President Barack Obama greets supporters after speaking at a campaign event at City Park in Denver, Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2012. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

President Barack Obama gestures while speaking at a campaign event at Ybor City Museum State Park, Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

President Barack Obama greets supporters in the audience after speaking during a campaign event at Doolittle Park, Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2012, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

(AP) ? Deep in the longest day of his campaign, President Barack Obama was in a Las Vegas casino, gambling that his re-election bid needed one more stop. It was 1:40 a.m. on his clock, and he was pleading with the hotel cooks and waiters for their votes.

"I need you so that I can keep on working for you," he told workers at the Bellagio. His voice was going. And soon, he was going again, too.

Obama's 40-hour blitz across America on Wednesday and Thursday was a sign of how the final campaign of his life will look and feel through Nov. 6. His presidency in doubt, Obama is not just chasing votes. He is chasing time.

The soaring importance of the early voting ? happening now in key states such as Ohio, Nevada, Colorado, Iowa and Florida ? means the president is into the last-minute sprint, with 12 days to go.

"The old model is gone," said adviser David Plouffe, standing in the early darkness in Tampa, Fla., after Air Force One's red-eye flight from Vegas. "Every day is Election Day now."

Even by campaign standards, where the travel days at this stage are supposed to be full of energy and urgency, Obama's trip covered remarkable ground. More than 7,600 miles of it.

And often it has come with Obama boasts about his pace.

"Our 48-hour, marathon-extravaganza fly-around. We are pulling an all-nighter," he said from Denver. "No sleep. Quite a bit of coffee."

Actually, Obama doesn't drink coffee. And he ends up sleeping a little in his bed on the plane. But the all-nighter part sure felt right, the way Obama and his entourage blurred through five time zones to maximize campaign time.

Obama ricocheted from the heartland to Hollywood, from the mountains to the desert, from ocean to ocean. He ate pizza in Iowa, laughed with Jay Leno in California and mocked Mitt Romney into the wee hours of the Nevada night.

"Vote! Vote! Vote!" the president shouted by then, his message shrunk to its essentials.

Along the way, a helicopter for the press broke down. A van carrying his staff wouldn't start. Air Force One hit monster turbulence. But that was just a memory by the time Obama had a spectacular sunset helicopter ride over Los Angeles, or when he saw 15,000 people waiting for him in the Virginia sun.

The itinerary centered on six toss-up states: Iowa, Colorado, Nevada, Florida, Virginia, and Ohio. He included California to appear on "The Tonight Show," and Illinois so that he could make a splash of voting early as president.

Obama's campaign day lasted more than 18 hours on Wednesday, technically ending at about 2:30 a.m. EDT. His friends and advisers competed for floor space on the plane to sleep. That didn't last long. Obama was in Florida and campaigning anew by 7 a.m. EDT.

That's when signs of punchiness started to show. Some of Obama's aides broke into dance when a familiar Stevie Wonder song played at the end of his Tampa event. The president sounded hoarse.

"I'm just going to keep on keeping on," he said.

Soily Rivera, a 28-year-old homemaker from Tampa, brought her 6-month-old son Jose Santa Maria to hear Obama. When asked if Obama's marathon trip to the battleground states could show desperation, she shook her head in disagreement.

"No, determination," she said. "Determination. Big time."

That is what Obama's campaign wants voters to see ? a president full of drive and vigor. Yet Obama also has to campaign this hard because he is fighting for survival. Polls show a remarkably close race in all the key states.

He used spare time for political advantage. In separate conference calls aboard Air Force One, Obama spoke to 17,000 campaign volunteers, 9,000 undecided voters and 50 disc jockeys from swing states.

On the ground, Obama kissed babies, took photos with his motorcade drivers and bought doughnuts for firefighters. He joked with one young boy in Aurora, Colo., that he had the same big ears as the president.

"He enjoys days like this," campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki said during one of Thursday's flights, somewhere over the hills on the way to Virginia. "They're busy. They're hectic. We'll sleep on Nov. 7th."

If Obama accomplished any single goal, it was to educate people that many of them can vote right now, so they don't have to get entangled with work or child-care problems on Election Day.

Back in Denver, Sarah Romero, 51, has gotten off her day job at 2 p.m. for the past two months and headed over to her local Obama campaign office to volunteer for the president through the evening.

She was happy Obama was swinging by Denver. But not blown away by his pace. That's his job.

Said Romero: "They get naps on the plane."


Associated Press writers Nicholas Riccardi in Denver and Tamara Lush in Tampa, Fla., contributed to this report.


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

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Easy Home Improvement Tricks You Can Try Today | The Board ...

There are few, if any, homeowners who have never tackled home improvement. They can attest that there is a fine line between success and failure, especially when the homeowner has little experience. Continue reading for some helpful tips on how you can plan your home improvement projects to be successful.

Think about installing windows that are thermally sealed, as they are attractive and cheap. This home improvement project can be quite rewarding for those who choose to do it.

When hiring a contractor, you have to keep track of everything that you do with that professional. Don?t make the assumption that this is the contractor?s responsibility. Save all invoices and contracts for your projects. This will help you as well as help the contractor stay focused on your current task.

If you?re taking on a home improvement task yourself, make sure you use high quality supplies and tools. It does involve a more expensive up-front cost, but you won?t spend as much money over time. These products can actually save you time and money in the long run. Tools like drills, saws and even hammers may set you back a hefty sum; why spend all of that money again and again?

Small rooms can look dark and dull, but this can be changed. Try letting in some light. Always make sure that the windows are clean so light shines in more effectively. A room tends to look larger when there is ample natural light. Keep clutter to a minimum and stick with light, subdued paint colors. Your small room won?t seem cramped anymore.

Home improvement is not just about spending money, it?s about adding value and saving money. New appliances are more energy efficient. You can save on heating bills by better insulating your home. Always be mindful of your finances and make a habit of planning ahead.

Home improvement could mean many things, and could be done despite any type of budget. Even if you lack thousands of dollars to spend, there are many smaller and more affordable projects to choose from. Some of these included repainting your home, adding new siding or replacing your front door.

If you are in a rush to get home improvement work done, you should be prepared for the high costs involved. By talking to your contractor(s), you should discover that they will be more than happy to work harder. Just know that they are pleased because they will expect more money! Rush jobs deserve priority payment.

One way to boost your home?s security is with motion sensor lights. You can add these when you are doing other outside projects. These lights consume less energy by switching on only in the presence of movement. Intruders will also think twice about approaching your home, since their presence is highlighted when the lights flick on.

When planning a major home renovation project, hire a professional architect or designer to create your plans. If you do not have any professional training, your plans may ignore function in favor of form. An experienced designer or architect can create a remodeling plan that incorporates all the appropriate building codes for your area as well.

Water filters add a great deal of value. This project sometimes can only take a few hours. Some units are installed under your kitchen sink and filter your drinking water.

When you paint the outside of your house, choose high-quality paint. By picking paint that is a good quality, you will ensure that it will last. Even though it costs more to get high quality paint, it goes on quicker and last longer than lower quality paint. The extra money spent will eliminate the need to repaint your home for many years.

A fun home improvement project is to add a bar to a basement space. The task of designing, building and drinking at a bar is a project that everyone will enjoy doing. Whatever method one chooses to use, adding a bar is a great way to update a home.

You should always use the best quality paint outside. Using paint of the highest quality will ensure that the paint job lasts for a long period of time. Although higher quality paint does cost more, it is going to last longer and cover your home surface easier and faster. It?s better to spend the extra money on higher quality paint so you don?t have to go back over it every few years if you get a lower quality one.

Putting in insulation in your attic can reduce heating costs when it?s cold. Heat rises, and in the autumn and winter, you lose heat if you have poor insulation, especially in your attic. Most hardware stores sell insulation, and installing it yourself is relatively simple.

Use a good primer for your wall before painting if it was painted first with a glossy or oil-based paint. This will stop paint peeling and flaking by helping the new paint stick on the walls. Priming is essential when you are painting over a dark color with a lighter one, because you will not need to apply so many coats.

Adding attractive ceramic tiles can be a project for nearly any kitchen or bathroom. The tiles can have a funky design or just be a plain color. Besides making your rooms look more attractive, you can add significantly to the value of your home by putting in new ceramic tile.

When done wrong, home improvement projects can be frustrating, but when done right, they can be increase your home?s value and make it look amazing. Hopefully the advice you found here can put you on the right path toward home improvement success.

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Lance Armstrong ?deserves to be forgotten in cycling,? federation president says ~ A News Fuse

Lance Armstrong?s record seven Tour de France championships propelled a niche sport to global prominence. And coming in the wake of an odds-defying victory over testicular cancer, Armstrong?s athletic feats transcended the arena of sport to inspire millions facing health crises of their own. Yet on Monday, the head of cycling?s international governing body, a longtime Armstrong defender, said the sport would be better off without him. Read Full Story--->>>


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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Homeschoolers and Mathematics? ? Homeschooling Research Notes

This post reviews Kathleen Ambruso Acker, Mary W. Gray, Behzad Jalali, and Matthew Pascal, ?Mathematics and Home Schooling? in Notices of the AMS 59, no, 4 (April 2012): 513-521.

All four authors of this paper are affiliated with American University.? The stated aim of this misleadingly titled paper is to analyze the legal framework for homeschooling, noting especially the place of mathematics in it, and then to examine how well homeschooling prepares students for college and employment.

The first part of the article, on legal matters, is an odd pastiche of themes lifted from my book and from work by Jim Dwyer and Kimberly Yuracko.? It is entirely derivative and tends to leap from topic to topic without much of an overarching theme or organizational scheme.

After several pages of meandering commentary on various court cases, historical matters, and state regulations, the authors finally get to the issue of mathematics.? Here the extent of their analysis is to summarize what the various state homeschooling laws and regulations have to say about math.? Here?s the summary:

currently twenty-eight states and the District of Columbia use ?mathematics? for a topic to be learned by those who are home schooled, although content is not specified.? North Dakota and Pennsylvania are two states that detail the number of mathematics credits and mention algebra as required study.? Seven states note that subjects covered should be comparable to those in the curriculum of the public school system.? Three other states only require that students learn arithmetic, and no mention is made of higher mathematics.? In Vermont the statutory language for required topics notes that students should study the use of numbers.? Although the state of Oklahoma strongly recommends the study of mathematics, it does not require it by law.? Only three states impose on home-schooled students, by law, high school graduation requirements that include mathematics. (p. 517-518)

After noting how sharply this lax attitude toward homeschooling contrasts with the intense emphasis in public education on mathematics accountability through high-stakes testing, the authors introduce their final theme.? It is the potential discrimination against girls that might be occurring in homeschooling families who believe that their daughters, whom God created solely to be mothers, should not take math or go to college.? The only evidence they cite that this may be happening is lifted entirely from Yuracko?s article I reviewed here, and it consists of quotes from two advice books written by fundamentalist Christians to homeschooling girls.

After finding that states don?t really require much math of homeschoolers and don?t really enforce even what they do require, and after worrying that there may be a generation of young homeschooling girls not being given the basic mathematics education necessary for many good jobs today, the authors conclude by recommending regulations lifted entirely from Judith McMullen?s 2002 piece ?Behind Closed Doors,? which appeared in the South Carolina Law Review (but is not in their reference list).? McMullen wants all homeschoolers to be required to register, to take vaccinations, to be given ?age-appropriate competence testing in reading and mathematics,? and to receive some kind of independent monitoring.

Aside from the one paragraph that summarizes state laws about homeschooler math requirements, there?s nothing new or interesting in this piece.? I have no idea why it was published.? We need good studies of homeschooling and mathematics.? When I saw the title of this piece I was looking forward to reading what these four authors had discovered.? But all I got was a weak summary of older work.

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Whitney Houston's family uses show to cope

Dave Kotinsky / Getty Images

Bobbi Kristina Brown and Nick Gordon attend "The Houstons: On Our Own" series premiere party at Tribeca Grand Hotel in New York on Tuesday.

By Jill Serjeant, Reuters

Making a TV reality show may not be the most obvious way to cope with the sudden death of a loved one, but most families don't count an icon like Whitney Houston among their relatives.

Less than a year after the "I Will Always Love You" singer drowned accidentally in a hotel bath tub after taking cocaine, Houston's teen daughter, her mother, brother and sister-in-law share with the world their struggle to cope in "The Houstons: On Our Own".?

Difficult as that is, the Houstons say that making the 14-episode show for cable channel Lifetime has helped rather than hindered the process.

"The show has kept the family close together, (instead of) isolated from one another. We talk about things, we are very open, and we pay attention to the ones who need consoling the most. Doing the show certainly has helped in a huge way," Pat Houston, Whitney's manager and sister-in-law, told Reuters.

VIDEO: Bobbi Kristina's rocky road to adulthood

"There are preconceptions about the family that just aren't true. We are a strong family, a working family, and a typical family. Our family member just happens to be an icon," she added. "You will see a family that is grieving, that loves one another. You will see a family that is trying to move on."

The series, which makes its debut on Wednesday, sets the stage for a slew of November tributes to the troubled singer with the golden voice. Upcoming projects include an official glossy book of photos, a compilation album of Houston's biggest hits that features a new duet version of "I Look To You" with R. Kelly, and the Nov. 16 TV broadcast of a special Grammy tribute starring Jennifer Hudson, Usher and Celine Dion.

Few of the many public salutes to Houston since her February death have touched on her well-publicized addiction to drugs and her tumultuous personal life. Yet the TV series delves into some of family's thorniest issues.

Bobbi Kristina in spotlight
Using some of Houston's soaring ballads to set the tone, including her 2003 single "On My Own," the show opens with the family in their Atlanta, Georgia home days before the first Mother's Day without Whitney and their first visit to her grave.

Her daughter and only heir to the estate, Bobbi Kristina, 19, is finding solace in an alcoholic beverage, and the arms of Nick Gordon, 23, the teen Whitney Houston took into the family home when he was a troubled high school student.

VIDEO: Is Bobbi Kristina engaged to Nick Gordon?

"We were best friends a long time ago, and now I am in love with him," Bobbi Kristina explains on camera, before telling appalled family members at a dinner that she and Gordon are engaged, and that she is looking to launch a recording career of her own.

Pat Houston, who in the show's first episode is firmly against any engagement, declined to address the couple's current relationship status. "It's a journey. You've just got to watch the show," she told Reuters last week.

The notion of putting Bobbi Kristina in the spotlight so soon after her mother's death, and the singer's messy 2007 divorce from singer Bobby Brown, sparked public dismay when the reality show was announced in May.

Bobbi Kristina was hospitalized twice with anxiety in February 2012 after her mother Houston, 48, was found drowned in a Beverly Hills hotel from what officials later said was a combination of cocaine use and heart disease.

But Pat Houston said that reality shows were nothing new for the Houston clan. Whitney Houston's chaotic relationship with Bobby Brown was chronicled in the 2005 TV series "Being Bobby Brown" and Pat Houston's life as the singer's longtime manager was featured on the more recent show "Power BrokHers".

VIDEO: Bobby Brown 'felt disrespected' at Houston funeral

"We have always been involved in negotiations for a reality show even when Whitney was alive. So this is really no different. It's nothing new to the family," she said.

Houston said she hoped the new show would help Whitney's fans come to terms with her death, as much as it is helping the family.?

"It is almost giving them closure in seeing the types of people she had around her, and then hearing her music ... and (it is a chance) for them to remember the good instead of all the negativity that may have surrounded her life in the past decade," she said.?

As for the future, "There will be bumps and grinds as there always will be. But we know how to handle that and keep it moving because we love Whitney, and we love what she represents with her music and we hope her fans continue to do the same with her legacy," Houston said.?

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Glenn Haas: Boomer women find their second acts | gallagher ...

Darlene March remembers sitting in the Huntington Beach coffee shop, drowning her downsized dreams in caffeine.

It was 2001 and the stock market exploded after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Her excellent position as a public relations specialist for an investment newsletter went up in a puff of smoke.


?The Power of Positive Doing'


B.J. Gallagher speaks at a WomanSage meeting.

When:6-8:30 p.m. Nov. 13

Where:Center Club, Costa Mesa

"They offered to hire me back on contract," she said. "In other words, they wanted a divorce but they still wanted to date me. Yeah, right."

She was 56, happily married, two kids in college. In the coming weeks, she lost 15 pounds "although I wasn't even on a diet."

"I had read once, when you feel down on your luck or depressed, you reach down into your gut and pull out the inner strength you never know you had," she recalled.

She went back to school and got a certificate in public relations and marketing from UC Irvine. She consulted with professionals, went to networking meetings, took public speaking classes.

Today, as one of the nation's most successful experts in financial public relations, with a specialty in book promotions, March can say: "I want to thank the people who laid me off. It was the best thing that happened to me."

March is a prime example for B.J. Gallagher's new book, "The Power of Positive Doing."

"It's never too late to be what you might have been," Gallagher said. "We hear so much about the bad stuff.

"Like I wake up tired and I don't feel like doing anything and it's rainy and I want to stay in bed all day. But if I get up and do one thing, like the dishes, I simply put one foot in front of the other and pretty soon action turns my thoughts around.

"I focus on behavior, and trust attitude and self-esteem will follow."

Gallagher is an author and inspirational speaker who writes business books that, she says, "educate and empower, and women's books that enlighten as they entertain."

She estimates that she has written at least 30 books, including "Oil for Your Lamp: Women Taking Care of Themselves" and "The Road to Happiness: Simple Secrets for a Happy Life."

Her life has not been a bed of roses, she said.

"I used to get tension headaches all the time. I thought, if I can do something physical, it burns off nervous energy. If you sit, it just builds and builds."

Women are her best audience, she acknowledges, because "women have no trouble asking for help. Under stress, they don't go into 'fight or flight' like men. They tend to befriend, join a support group.

"Men are reluctant to ask for help, and I think part of this is that men invest most of their emotional energy in a work role. Their identity is all invested in what they do and what they earn. And if they lose that, it's a bigger blow than to a woman, who sees herself in other roles like a mother, daughter, neighbor, wife. ..."

Gallagher's most lauded achievement might be her success in getting people to understand themselves better.

"When we understand ourselves, we manage ourselves better," she said. "When we understand how our brains work, they work for us."

She's an Air Force kid, she says, who grew up "all over the world." At 63, she delivers her message that "action alleviates anxiety" with a familiar cheeriness.

Gallagher talks about losing the attitude of "cloudy with a chance of anxiety," but for some, finding a new path is not easy.

Karen Twichell spent 34 years working in the aerospace industry. At age 52, she learned that her company was moving to Florida.

"I didn't want to move to Orlando," she said. "So many of my co-workers were depressed about the change. I had to figure out how to get beyond this."

She had always lived in Orange County. But at her age, not many jobs dangled, inviting her to apply.

Then she thought about her life, about her recent experiences caring for family members through serious illnesses. She realized the baby boomers were facing a sandwich of elder care and child care as parents lived longer, often with serious illnesses.

"I had kept a journal when caring for these family members," Twichell said. "I could draw on emotional and practical issues as well as research."

"A Caregiver's Journey" was published two years later. "What kept me going was setting new goals for myself," Twichell said. "Like speaking. I was doing good but not great."

Twichell joined Toastmasters International and today is one of 13 women worldwide listed as an "accredited speaker."

"I continuously set new goals for myself," she said.

The death of her sister, and Twichell's emptying her sister's home, was what she calls a "depressing adventure" that turned into a life change.

After 30 years of washing windows and other housekeeping chores, she and her husband sold their Newport Beach home and plan to move into an apartment where they can "play more tennis."

Twichell said caregiving and life changes can put you "down in the dumps." But positive action can pull you out.

Gallagher likes to quote another author, Ken Blanchard, who co-wrote "The One Minute Manager."

He said, "People who feel good about themselves produce good results. ... And people who produce good results feel good about themselves."

In her book, she writes:

"What's in a word?

Assess your options.

Call up your courage.

Take your first steps."

In other words, act!

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Monday, October 22, 2012

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This is the Verizon HTC DLX

HTC Verizon

Verizon appears poised to bring HTC's first 5-inch Android smartphone to the U.S.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet the HTC DLX for Verizon. A few rumored details recently emerged about this upcoming (and as yet unannounced Android smartphone, and tonight we're able to bring you the first pictures.

The HTC DLX (pronounced like "deluxe," we're told) is notable for several reasons. For one, it will (assuming it comes to market; that's not always a given) be Verizon's first HTC One smartphone since the line was announced at Mobile World Congress way back in February in Barcelona. That the United States' largest carrier didn't pick up any of the three devices announced then has been a sore spot for months. 

Then there's the size. Along with the Japan-exclusive HTC J Butterfly, the HTC DLX marks the manufacturer's first foray into the 5-inch display category, known to some as "ridiculously large." But consider our curiosity piqued, our appetite whetted. We -- and you folks as well, we know - have been waiting on Verizon to sport new HTC kit for the better part of a year now.

Enough preamble. We've got more pictures, specs and a few thoughts after the break.

More: HTC DLX forums

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Must See HDTV (October 22nd - 28th)

Must See HDTV October 22nd  28th

While baseball's postseason moves on to its final round, football is just hitting its stride and NBA preseason action is just beginning to get interesting. This week Blade Runner gets yet another HD home release, there's one more presidential debate, and on Friday the maker of Pushing Daisies returns for a one-off / backdoor pilot attempt called Mockingbird Lane -- check out a teaser after the break. Look below for the highlights this week, followed after the break by our weekly listing of what to look out for in TV, Blu-ray and videogames.

I, Robot (3D)
A 3D Blu-ray release isn't uncommon these days, however I, Robot has a fresh twist: it wasn't in 3D in theaters, ever. Fox has made the interesting decision of converting the flick in post and releasing a 3D version exclusively for the home. Fans of the 2004 Will Smith flick can snag a $24.99 Blu-ray 3D set, but if you pre-ordered at Comic-Con, it comes with a bust of the robot character, Sonny. We'll have to wait and see if this trend takes off (Fox says it has more titles in the pipeline), or if people prefer the standard original releases.
($24.99 on Amazon)

Forza Horizon
The Forza series has brought its brand of sim racing to Xbox consoles for several generations, but this latest version takes all of its underlying technology on a trip to the arcade side of town. You won't be doing so much tweaking under the hood this time, but there's still a healthy selection of cars plus options for night and off road racing to keep you interested. Joystiq was impressed enough by its "massive toy chest of hyper-accurate Hot Wheels" to give it four out of five stars, racing fans can check out a demo on Xbox Live now.
($59.99 on Amazon)

World Series
Baseball fans, it all comes down to this. For the championship in 2012 the Detroit Tigers will face TBD in an epic battle that kicks off Wednesday night. Either St. Louis or San Francisco will be representing the National League in the World Series, but we'll have to wait until tonight's game to know which one. The days for the games are already locked in however, so clear your schedule as needed.

Continue reading Must See HDTV (October 22nd - 28th)

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Must See HDTV (October 22nd - 28th) originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 22 Oct 2012 17:34:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Foreign policy could move needle in final presidential debate (CNN)

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PayPal Here goes on sale at AT&T stores: like a one-stop shop for account hiccups

PayPal Here goes on sale at AT&T stores like a onestop shop for account hiccups

PayPal Here, despite all its focus on in-store transactions, hasn't really been available to buy in a US store -- that's been the domain of the seemingly ubiquitous Square reader. eBay's payment wing has at last established that retail beachhead through a deal with AT&T. About 1,800 of the carrier's stores are now carrying PayPal Here readers, and they'll keep the service's big rival from hogging the spotlight at a time when most aren't even aware that there's any competition. If you're still cynical, you can look at the AT&T move as a matter of convenience: at least this way, all your account headaches will come from one place.

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PayPal Here goes on sale at AT&T stores: like a one-stop shop for account hiccups originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 20 Oct 2012 21:00:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Miami Schools Strive To Defeat Childhood Obesity With New School ...

From The Examiner?..

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are 12.5 million obese children in the United Sates today ? three times as many as there were in the 1980s. Sadly, these numbers are growing despite countless health awareness efforts. Many experts and advocates believe that change is possible, but that change has to come through the school systems and involve both parents and teachers.

The Miami School District is taking the fight against childhood obesity very seriously. On Tuesday, Sunset Park Elementary School celebrated the installation of its very own salad bar ? one of 39 salad bars donated to schools throughout the Southeast. The movement was funded by the 2011 Produce for Kids? and Publix Supermarkets? Healthy Schools, Healthy Minds campaign, along with the Let?s Move Salad Bars initiative.

At the event last Tuesday, representatives from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services was present, along with representatives from Publix Supermarkets, The Administrative Director of the Department of Food and Nutrition for Miami Public Schools, the CEO of the United Fresh Produce Association, the President of Produce for Kids and characters from the kids? TV series, LazyTown.

The Let?s Move Salad Bars initiative was began to support First Lady Michelle Obama?s Let?s Move! campaign in an effort to end childhood obesity. Let?s Move Salad Bars ensures young children are exposed to a wide variety of fruits and vegetables when making lunchtime meal choices.

To read the full story?..Click here

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Dow down 205 as weak earnings drag market lower

(AP) ? Poor corporate earnings reports pounded the stock market Friday in a sour end to an otherwise strong week of trading. The Dow Jones industrial average fell more than 200 points for its worst day in four months.

Disappointing results from three giants of the Dow ? Microsoft, General Electric and McDonald's ? were to blame. But the broader market fell, too, and the Standard & Poor's 500 index fared even worse in percentage terms.

The Dow sank 205.43 points, or 1.5 percent, to close at 13,343.51. The S&P lost 24.15, or 1.7 percent, to 1,433.19. The Nasdaq composite index, hammered by a second ugly day for Google, lost 67.25 points to 3,005.62, a 2.2 percent decline.

The big drops Friday left the Dow and S&P clinging to gains for the week.

Financial analysts expect corporate earnings for July through September to be lower than the same period a year ago, which would be the first yearly decline in three years.

Through Thursday, with 115 companies in the S&P 500 reporting, earnings were down 3.7 percent compared with a year earlier, according to Thomson Reuters, a financial data provider, and ING, a financial company.

"And once you get one quarter of negative earnings, it's a precursor," said Doug Cote, chief market strategist at ING Investment Management in New York. "It's the cockroach theory: If you find one, there's probably many more."

All 10 industry groups in the S&P 500 fell, led by technology and materials stocks. For a time Home Depot and Bank of America were the only stocks in the Dow trading higher for the day, but by 3 p.m. they were lower, too.

Google continued its slump, losing $13.21 to $681.79, a day after its earnings report was accidently hours ahead of schedule. The report raised questions for Google and other Internet companies about ads that target mobile devices.

It's been a tough week for technology companies. IBM pointed to Europe's troubles and slowing business spending when it posted weaker revenue than analysts expected. Intel, the world's largest maker of computer chips, blamed the global economy and sliding computer sales for pushing net income down.

The bad news piled up Friday. Sagging PC sales and trouble in Europe took a toll on Microsoft's net income. Its stock lost 86 cents, or 3 percent, to $28.64. Marvell Technology Group and Advanced Micro Devices, which also make chips, sank sharply.

McDonald's profit shrank as a strong dollar hurt international results, which account for two-thirds of its business. The fast-food giant's stock lost $4.14, more than 4 percent, to $88.72.

General Electric, a bellwether of the economy, fell 3 percent. The company reported stronger profits early Friday, but its revenue missed Wall Street's expectations.

Orders for new equipment and services sank, mainly because wind turbine orders have fallen because a key U.S. federal subsidy for wind power expires at the end of the year. GE's stock lost 78 cents to $22.03.

As corporate earnings roll in, banks and so-called consumer discretionary companies, which include luxury stores and hotels, are projected to report the best growth.

Analysts expect companies dealing in metals and other materials to report the worst results, followed by energy companies. But it's technology companies like IBM, Intel and Google whose results have grabbed the most attention.

The losses left the Dow up just 0.1 percent for the week. The S&P was up 0.3 percent, and the Nasdaq was down 1.3 percent.

As investors sold stocks, they bought U.S. government bonds, driving prices up and yields down. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note slipped to 1.77 percent from 1.83 percent late Thursday.

The disappointing earnings and a report showing a drop in home sales last month also pushed energy prices lower. The price of oil fell 2.2 percent on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Benchmark crude lost $2.05 to end at $90.05 per barrel.

Among other stocks making big moves:

? Chipotle Mexican Grill plunged 15 percent after the burrito chain forecast that revenue growth would slow sharply next year. The stock had been a favorite among investors thanks to super-fast growth in recent years. The stock fell $42.93 to $243.

? Capital One Financial surged 6 percent, making it the top performer in the S&P 500. Capital One's quarterly results, reported late Thursday, easily trumped analysts' estimates as profits jumped 47 percent. The lender's purchase of both the online bank ING Direct and HSBC's U.S. credit-card division helped propel loan revenue. Capital One's stock gained $3.45 to $60.75.

? Advanced Micro Devices, the world's second-largest maker of microprocessors behind Intel, plunged 17 percent. AMD said late Thursday that sales of its chips have dwindled as buyers shift away from personal computers in favor of tablets and smartphones. It also plans to cut 15 percent of its workforce. AMD lost 44 cents to $2.18.

Associated Press


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