Saturday, October 20, 2012

Miami Schools Strive To Defeat Childhood Obesity With New School ...

From The Examiner?..

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are 12.5 million obese children in the United Sates today ? three times as many as there were in the 1980s. Sadly, these numbers are growing despite countless health awareness efforts. Many experts and advocates believe that change is possible, but that change has to come through the school systems and involve both parents and teachers.

The Miami School District is taking the fight against childhood obesity very seriously. On Tuesday, Sunset Park Elementary School celebrated the installation of its very own salad bar ? one of 39 salad bars donated to schools throughout the Southeast. The movement was funded by the 2011 Produce for Kids? and Publix Supermarkets? Healthy Schools, Healthy Minds campaign, along with the Let?s Move Salad Bars initiative.

At the event last Tuesday, representatives from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services was present, along with representatives from Publix Supermarkets, The Administrative Director of the Department of Food and Nutrition for Miami Public Schools, the CEO of the United Fresh Produce Association, the President of Produce for Kids and characters from the kids? TV series, LazyTown.

The Let?s Move Salad Bars initiative was began to support First Lady Michelle Obama?s Let?s Move! campaign in an effort to end childhood obesity. Let?s Move Salad Bars ensures young children are exposed to a wide variety of fruits and vegetables when making lunchtime meal choices.

To read the full story?..Click here

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